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Vella Bioscience

Vella launched with a single flagship product: Women’s Pleasure Serum, which was developed by Dr. Harin Padma-Nathan, the same scientist whose research led to the development of Viagra. Their breakthrough CBD-based formula helps more women achieve arousal and orgasm. Vella Bioscience approached Out Of Office to help introduce a suite of new products to the world: Super Slide & Slide, a lubricant for everyone; Peri-aid, a pain reducing period patch; and Intimate Elixir a premium, hydrating lubricant specially formulated for women in menopause. Our work touched every aspect of the product’s look and feel including product naming, packaging design and copy, and art direction of a series of lifestyle and product images for the launch.

Creative direction & design: Out Of Office
Art direction & design: Candice Ralph
Naming & copy: Kiyomi Dong
Photography: Julia Robbs
Photo Producer: Jessica Thiel, Kaela Francesca
Set Design: Beth Pakradooni